If anyone ever did or does read my blogs/devotions please forgive my lack over the past couple of months posting I promise to do be more faithful. Love you all!!
It really should not matter what the weather is in your world or as to whether your friends stand with you during times that are stormy or sunny. But, It is usually in these times of adversity and trials that draw our faithful friends and family to us and then we become closer in all areas of life and more personally bonded with them, building longer lasting, closer relationships and deeper understanding of God’s peace that is beyond our understanding.
A very simple rule is found in Colossians 3:15, “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts.” It is as plain as the nose on our face. It really is surprising, if we are willing to admit it, how some of us love to worry. If we did not have something to worry about, we would feel very abnormal. Some Christians are laid-back in their attitude toward the problems of life. Others may be inclined to be careful about everything. But this plea really, applies to all of us. “Let the peace of God rule.” Let It. In other words, God wants to give us this gift of “my peace.” He wants His children to have rest of heart. He wants us to experience that for which the heart of man naturally hungers. It is not for the apostles only. It is not for preachers, solely. It is for every trusting believer in Christ. Everyone who is willing to trust God and have peace with God through Jesus Christ can also have the peace of God.
I have discovered it is the same way with Jesus. We will never really know Him in a personal way until we allow Him to help us in our hard times. In fact, Jesus tells us in John 16:33 that we are assured we will have hardship in our lives. It is inevitable. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." How awesome it is to know that with the troubles, we will also have peace as well.
Currently undergoing the most difficult time in my life, I have relied on my family and friends more now than ever. My family and friends have been a blessing to me and I have been uplifted with cards, emails, text messages, Music CD’s, sermons, books, and simple notes of encouragement. They have gotten me through days when I could not muster enough strength to get out of bed. I love you all and thank you.
However, beyond the generous, gracious love and support of family and friends, I have dug deep into my faith. A faith I strive to carry with me boldly, have always relied on and needed. However, through this particular trial, I met my sweetest and most faithful friend Jesus in a more personal way.
One of Ruth’s favorite Psalms was Psalms 91, and a reading at her memorial. Since this time, I got a profound message that dissected Psalm 91 and taught me how to come there to it in meditation as a reminder to me each and every day that “He is my place for safety and protection. My God in whom I trust”. That “under his wings I can hide” “nothing bad will happen to me. He will put His angels in charge of me to watch over me wherever I go”. “I can call on Him and He will answer. He will be with me when I am I trouble and rescue me.” I have prayed Psalm 91 daily and made it personal for me. It has sustained me.
A very dear freind sent me a little book called Words of Comfort with a card where she had written Psalm 34 in big letters. I looked up that scripture. Psalm 35:4 says: “I asked the Lord for help, and He answered me He saved me from all that I feared.” I found such comfort in those words. I do not consider it a coincidence that she sent me that scripture on that day. How could she know that specific day I was filled with fear? My faithful friend Jesus must have told her.
So, while I am waiting for the storm to pass. Perhaps you are weathering a storm in your life as well. I know the waiting is the hardest part. Rest assured in knowing there is a silver lining. Nothing is hopeless. Nothing. Every hurt can become a treasure. Every ending is the beginning of a fresh start. Every tear we cry is the watering of new growth. And the only moment that truly lasts forever is the one where we say yes. Yes, Lord, you are my faithful friend, my God in whom I trust.
So hold on. Hold tight. Find a Psalm that gives you comfort and peace (a peace beyond our human understanding and pray it everyday. Yes, life will sometimes fail you but your friend Jesus(found reaching in every needed direction of your life) wants you to have peace, peace through the storm.
In His love,
Sandy Perry
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Believe the Right Things! Say what?
And He said to them, "You are from beneath; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." -John 8:23-24
Because the very heart of the Christian life is confessing faith in a person, Jesus Christ the Lord, it has been quite easy for some to push this truth out of all proportion and teach that faith in the Person of Christ is all that matters. John 3:16 is just the beginning not the whole of our Christian life. Yet so often we hear it on the radio, television and even car tags “Just believe & receive”. Who Jesus is matters not, who His Father was, whether Jesus is God or man or both, whether or not He accepted the superstitions and errors of His time as true, whether He actually rose again after or was only thought to have done so by His devoted followers, these things are not important, say the no creed believer. What is essential is that we believe on Him and try to follow His teachings.
What we read that is overlooked here is that the argument of Jesus with the Pharisees was over the question of who He was. His claim to be God spurred the Pharisees to fury. He could have cooled the fire of their anger by backing away from His claim to equality with God, but He refused to do it. And He further taught that faith in Him embraced a belief that He is very God, and that apart from this there could be no salvation for anyone.
To believe on Christ Jesus for our salvation means to believe the right things about Christ and His teachings. This is an essential and there is no escaping this.
Thank You, Lord, that You are Who You claim to be and that our salvation does indeed rest on a solid foundation. Don't let me ever back down from this essential truth of Who You are. Amen.
In His service,
As always, womswf&t
Sandy Perry
Because the very heart of the Christian life is confessing faith in a person, Jesus Christ the Lord, it has been quite easy for some to push this truth out of all proportion and teach that faith in the Person of Christ is all that matters. John 3:16 is just the beginning not the whole of our Christian life. Yet so often we hear it on the radio, television and even car tags “Just believe & receive”. Who Jesus is matters not, who His Father was, whether Jesus is God or man or both, whether or not He accepted the superstitions and errors of His time as true, whether He actually rose again after or was only thought to have done so by His devoted followers, these things are not important, say the no creed believer. What is essential is that we believe on Him and try to follow His teachings.
What we read that is overlooked here is that the argument of Jesus with the Pharisees was over the question of who He was. His claim to be God spurred the Pharisees to fury. He could have cooled the fire of their anger by backing away from His claim to equality with God, but He refused to do it. And He further taught that faith in Him embraced a belief that He is very God, and that apart from this there could be no salvation for anyone.
To believe on Christ Jesus for our salvation means to believe the right things about Christ and His teachings. This is an essential and there is no escaping this.
Thank You, Lord, that You are Who You claim to be and that our salvation does indeed rest on a solid foundation. Don't let me ever back down from this essential truth of Who You are. Amen.
In His service,
As always, womswf&t
Sandy Perry
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What Cave are you hiding in?
1 Kings 19: 8-13 So he arose, and ate and drank; and he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights as far as Horeb, the mountain of God. And there he went into a cave, and spent the night in that place; and behold, the word of the LORD came to him, and He said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” So he said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.” Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
How so many times are we like Elijah? The almighty God defeats our enemies whoever and whatever they may be and we take off and hide in our self made caves when God is telling us to go stand on the mountain and wait for Him. I know I’m guilty of this because I would be looking for Him in all the wrong places. God will not be found in the windy words we might use to hurt others, nor will he be found in the violence we do to others by being loud and obnoxious like a clanging gong with our fiery tempers.
After the wind and the fire Elijah heard God in the silence after the storm. Even though God is there through all the storms with us we hear Him only in the gentle breeze stirring in the silence of the human heart. Once we have heard Him, God will ask as He did Elijah “what are you doing here?” in what way are you called in the world to do God’s will daily. We all struggle with this question at some point in our life and I pray you find the answer in the silence that will lead you to a deeper love of God, His holy Word and creation.
Lord guide me to the silence in all the noise of the world that I hear You more clearly and love You more dearly nd can share Jesus love more sincerely. It is in His sweet name I pray. Amen.
In Christ
Sandy Perry
How so many times are we like Elijah? The almighty God defeats our enemies whoever and whatever they may be and we take off and hide in our self made caves when God is telling us to go stand on the mountain and wait for Him. I know I’m guilty of this because I would be looking for Him in all the wrong places. God will not be found in the windy words we might use to hurt others, nor will he be found in the violence we do to others by being loud and obnoxious like a clanging gong with our fiery tempers.
After the wind and the fire Elijah heard God in the silence after the storm. Even though God is there through all the storms with us we hear Him only in the gentle breeze stirring in the silence of the human heart. Once we have heard Him, God will ask as He did Elijah “what are you doing here?” in what way are you called in the world to do God’s will daily. We all struggle with this question at some point in our life and I pray you find the answer in the silence that will lead you to a deeper love of God, His holy Word and creation.
Lord guide me to the silence in all the noise of the world that I hear You more clearly and love You more dearly nd can share Jesus love more sincerely. It is in His sweet name I pray. Amen.
In Christ
Sandy Perry
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Can I get a Witness?
But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness and handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. -2 Corinthians 4:2
Here again this week we have seen the glaring discrepancy between Biblical Christianity and that of present day evangelicals, right here at home in the United States and in our Church body.
To bring people to Christ here we are forced to play down the difficulties and play up the peace of mind and worldly success through sinful lifestyles enjoyed by those who accept Christ. Excuse me! We must assure our hearers that Christianity is now a proper and respectable thing and that Christ has become quite popular with the gay movement, well-to-do business tycoons and the Hollywood jet set. We can now rest assured, hell deserving sinners are coming in droves to accept Christ for what they can get out of Him; and though one every now and again may shed a tear as proof of his sincerity, it is hard to escape the conclusion that most of them are stooping to patronize Jesus, our Lord of glory in such a way as a drug addict might suck up to a dealer on the street in order to be have him give them a better fix tomorrow. Like the unrepentant sinner hanging on the cross beside Jesus just wanted Jesus to save him and get him down to go about his sinful life so are the day’s of our lives eh!
Lord, don't let us fall into the trap of offering a cheap salvation. Remind us often that redemption that cost the life of Your Son should never be so cheapened and your precious Word so callously brought down to sinful interpretation. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
Here again this week we have seen the glaring discrepancy between Biblical Christianity and that of present day evangelicals, right here at home in the United States and in our Church body.
To bring people to Christ here we are forced to play down the difficulties and play up the peace of mind and worldly success through sinful lifestyles enjoyed by those who accept Christ. Excuse me! We must assure our hearers that Christianity is now a proper and respectable thing and that Christ has become quite popular with the gay movement, well-to-do business tycoons and the Hollywood jet set. We can now rest assured, hell deserving sinners are coming in droves to accept Christ for what they can get out of Him; and though one every now and again may shed a tear as proof of his sincerity, it is hard to escape the conclusion that most of them are stooping to patronize Jesus, our Lord of glory in such a way as a drug addict might suck up to a dealer on the street in order to be have him give them a better fix tomorrow. Like the unrepentant sinner hanging on the cross beside Jesus just wanted Jesus to save him and get him down to go about his sinful life so are the day’s of our lives eh!
Lord, don't let us fall into the trap of offering a cheap salvation. Remind us often that redemption that cost the life of Your Son should never be so cheapened and your precious Word so callously brought down to sinful interpretation. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
“The Master Physician”
“And he touched her hand, and the fever left her;
and she arose and ministered unto them.” Matthew 8:15
Jesus touched her hand as only He can
With the wondrous skill of the Master Physician
With the sweet, tender touch of the Son of Man
And the feverish pain in her throbbing temples
Died out along with the flush on brow and cheek
And the lips that had been so parched and burning
Quivered with thanks that she could not speak
And her eyes, where the fevers light had faded
Looked up and by her grateful tears made dim
And she rose and ministered to her household
As she ministered also to Him
He touched her hand, and the fever left her
Oh blessed, healing touch of the Man Divine
So beautiful it is then to rise and serve Him
When the fever is gone from your life and mine
It may be the fever of restless serving
With our heart all thirsty for love and praise
And eyes all aching and strained with yearning
Toward self serving goals in our old age
Or it may be a fever of sinful craving
Some storm of sorrow that does not die down
Until the cross has at last our meekness found
And our head stoops low for our thorny crown
Or it may be a fever of pain and anger
When the wounded heart is hard to bear
And only the Lord can draw forth the arrows
Left carelessly, cruelly bothersome there
Whatever the fever, His touch can heal it
Whatever the storm, His voice can still
There is only joy as we seek His glory
There is only a rest as we seek His will
And some day after this life’s fitful fever
I think we shall say in our mansion on high
If the hands that He touched but did His bidding
How little it matters what else passed us by
Sweet Lord Jesus! You know us through and through
Each heart’s hurt and sickness, whatever it may be
Only You Lord can Touch our hands and let the fever leave us
And we shall also minister unto You our Savior sweet Jesus
Only He can put out the fevers fire and set our captive souls free
Sandy Perry
and she arose and ministered unto them.” Matthew 8:15
Jesus touched her hand as only He can
With the wondrous skill of the Master Physician
With the sweet, tender touch of the Son of Man
And the feverish pain in her throbbing temples
Died out along with the flush on brow and cheek
And the lips that had been so parched and burning
Quivered with thanks that she could not speak
And her eyes, where the fevers light had faded
Looked up and by her grateful tears made dim
And she rose and ministered to her household
As she ministered also to Him
He touched her hand, and the fever left her
Oh blessed, healing touch of the Man Divine
So beautiful it is then to rise and serve Him
When the fever is gone from your life and mine
It may be the fever of restless serving
With our heart all thirsty for love and praise
And eyes all aching and strained with yearning
Toward self serving goals in our old age
Or it may be a fever of sinful craving
Some storm of sorrow that does not die down
Until the cross has at last our meekness found
And our head stoops low for our thorny crown
Or it may be a fever of pain and anger
When the wounded heart is hard to bear
And only the Lord can draw forth the arrows
Left carelessly, cruelly bothersome there
Whatever the fever, His touch can heal it
Whatever the storm, His voice can still
There is only joy as we seek His glory
There is only a rest as we seek His will
And some day after this life’s fitful fever
I think we shall say in our mansion on high
If the hands that He touched but did His bidding
How little it matters what else passed us by
Sweet Lord Jesus! You know us through and through
Each heart’s hurt and sickness, whatever it may be
Only You Lord can Touch our hands and let the fever leave us
And we shall also minister unto You our Savior sweet Jesus
Only He can put out the fevers fire and set our captive souls free
Sandy Perry
Sunday, July 12, 2009
He Gives His Beloved Sleep
Psalm 127:2 It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep.
Trouble and worry will sometimes meet
The storm clouds hover ever lower
The course of sin will surely beat
Upon earth’s troubled shore
God does His own safely keep
He gives His beloved sleep
The noise of war across the sky may roll
with all her horrors and violent flight
Pain and grief may oppress the soul
Throughout the long weary night
God does His own safely keep
He gives His beloved sleep
In childhood’s sweet and charming page
In manhood’s sowing in joyous bloom
In weak of mind and old age
In death’s dark gathering gloom
God will His own in safety keep
He gives us all His beloved sleep
Sandy Perry
Psalm 127:2 It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep.
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep.
Trouble and worry will sometimes meet
The storm clouds hover ever lower
The course of sin will surely beat
Upon earth’s troubled shore
God does His own safely keep
He gives His beloved sleep
The noise of war across the sky may roll
with all her horrors and violent flight
Pain and grief may oppress the soul
Throughout the long weary night
God does His own safely keep
He gives His beloved sleep
In childhood’s sweet and charming page
In manhood’s sowing in joyous bloom
In weak of mind and old age
In death’s dark gathering gloom
God will His own in safety keep
He gives us all His beloved sleep
Sandy Perry
Psalm 127:2 It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Remnants & Leftovers
Remnants are what we save for our King
When He should receive the best of everything
Why do we wait until the end of the day
Before our knees hit the floor to pray
We thank Him for the day gone by
If it went badly we want to know why
Never thinking how good it might have been
if upon awakening we had called on Jesus our freind
We have given Him what’s left not what’s first
So is there any wonder why sometimes we thirst
Leftovers are what we’ve given God’s only Son
Although He shed His blood for our Salvation
Are not leftovers they are such humble things
Most of us would not serve to a guest
And yet we serve them to our Lord
who should get our first and very best.
We give to Him our leftover time
A few minutes here and there
Leftover cash we give to Him
Such few coins as we can spare
We give our youthful days unto the world
To hatred, pleasure’s, lust and strife
Then in our remaining years we give
To Him the remnant of our life
Sandy Perry
When He should receive the best of everything
Why do we wait until the end of the day
Before our knees hit the floor to pray
We thank Him for the day gone by
If it went badly we want to know why
Never thinking how good it might have been
if upon awakening we had called on Jesus our freind
We have given Him what’s left not what’s first
So is there any wonder why sometimes we thirst
Leftovers are what we’ve given God’s only Son
Although He shed His blood for our Salvation
Are not leftovers they are such humble things
Most of us would not serve to a guest
And yet we serve them to our Lord
who should get our first and very best.
We give to Him our leftover time
A few minutes here and there
Leftover cash we give to Him
Such few coins as we can spare
We give our youthful days unto the world
To hatred, pleasure’s, lust and strife
Then in our remaining years we give
To Him the remnant of our life
Sandy Perry
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sweet Jesus, He is mine
Do you ever wonder what we'd do
if we could never pray
If we could not talk to God
And depend on His guidance every day
Oh how dark our every night would be
if His light did not shine
I know I could not sleep because such fear
would fill this heart of mine
Our hearts would never sing a new song
we’d feel so lost and all alone
if we could never talk to God
and claim Jesus’ love for our own.
But all these things we should not fear
because our burdens He does share
we only have to whisper low sweet Jesus
and know He hears our every prayer.
Jesus walks beside us in this barren land
always there to lift us up when we fall
He gently takes us by the hand
our love sweet Jesus, Lord of all
And though the night can be dark sometimes
His light in us forever shines
we can sleep in peace and should not fear
For Jesus voice we can hear
And all the people say
Sweet Lord Jesus
The King,
He is mine
Sandy Perry
if we could never pray
If we could not talk to God
And depend on His guidance every day
Oh how dark our every night would be
if His light did not shine
I know I could not sleep because such fear
would fill this heart of mine
Our hearts would never sing a new song
we’d feel so lost and all alone
if we could never talk to God
and claim Jesus’ love for our own.
But all these things we should not fear
because our burdens He does share
we only have to whisper low sweet Jesus
and know He hears our every prayer.
Jesus walks beside us in this barren land
always there to lift us up when we fall
He gently takes us by the hand
our love sweet Jesus, Lord of all
And though the night can be dark sometimes
His light in us forever shines
we can sleep in peace and should not fear
For Jesus voice we can hear
And all the people say
Sweet Lord Jesus
The King,
He is mine
Sandy Perry
Friday, June 26, 2009
As We Go, Tell Someone!
So everywhere we go, we tell everyone about Christ. We warn them and teach them with all the wisdom God has given us, for we want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ. (Colossians 1:28)
What does it mean to make disciples? Matthew 28:20 describes it for us. Since I’m a simple man, I’ll put it simply, it means to teach others to study what Scripture say’s and especially what Jesus has said. To disciple people is to live out our faith in this world, to share it with others, to teach it by word, and to model it by example.
I have been blessed in this by having been discipled by a community and a Pastor that have taught me and shown me by the example of their lives serving as Jesus served here @ The Well and out in the world. The same plan of going into the entire world and making disciples is to share our faith with each other and the world, to seek to lead people to Christ, and then to the best of our ability, help them become spiritually mature. Every day God places opportunities before us to share His Word, His awesome love and graciousness with someone. But, we hold back in fear of offending or suddenly go brain dead, which is the best thing that could happen at these times. When we are dead to self is exactly the time the Holy Spirit given takes over. Praise Jesus my brain doesn’t have much to begin with, so simple is it there is not much left there to die. Amen?
But, somewhere the church has gotten sidetracked, we have separated evangelism from discipleship, yet no such difference is given in Scripture. They are part of each other, the idea is not just to share the gospel, lead someone to Christ, and then say, well God bless you, and I’ll catch you later. We wouldn’t do that any more than a doctor delivering a baby would give the newborn a package of diapers, set him out on the sidewalk, and then say, you are now on your own son. It has been good to know ya for this brief time, and I wish the best to you. A baby needs to be nurtured, loved, and cared for. And so does a new believer in Christ.
To make disciples is to help new believers grow spiritually and become dedicated, committed, faithful, mature disciples of Jesus, and in turn, they will repeat the process with someone else. To make disciples is to reproduce the same Christ likeness we have in ourselves. It is to bring others to Christ, help them get on their feet spiritually, and then do that again and again.
Father, for Your grace and merciful love shown to us in Christ Jesus, we are ever thankful. We pray You will guide us and strengthen us in our witness to the world all for Your honor and glory, and that Your kingdom come here now as it is in heaven. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
In Christ
Sandy Perry
What does it mean to make disciples? Matthew 28:20 describes it for us. Since I’m a simple man, I’ll put it simply, it means to teach others to study what Scripture say’s and especially what Jesus has said. To disciple people is to live out our faith in this world, to share it with others, to teach it by word, and to model it by example.
I have been blessed in this by having been discipled by a community and a Pastor that have taught me and shown me by the example of their lives serving as Jesus served here @ The Well and out in the world. The same plan of going into the entire world and making disciples is to share our faith with each other and the world, to seek to lead people to Christ, and then to the best of our ability, help them become spiritually mature. Every day God places opportunities before us to share His Word, His awesome love and graciousness with someone. But, we hold back in fear of offending or suddenly go brain dead, which is the best thing that could happen at these times. When we are dead to self is exactly the time the Holy Spirit given takes over. Praise Jesus my brain doesn’t have much to begin with, so simple is it there is not much left there to die. Amen?
But, somewhere the church has gotten sidetracked, we have separated evangelism from discipleship, yet no such difference is given in Scripture. They are part of each other, the idea is not just to share the gospel, lead someone to Christ, and then say, well God bless you, and I’ll catch you later. We wouldn’t do that any more than a doctor delivering a baby would give the newborn a package of diapers, set him out on the sidewalk, and then say, you are now on your own son. It has been good to know ya for this brief time, and I wish the best to you. A baby needs to be nurtured, loved, and cared for. And so does a new believer in Christ.
To make disciples is to help new believers grow spiritually and become dedicated, committed, faithful, mature disciples of Jesus, and in turn, they will repeat the process with someone else. To make disciples is to reproduce the same Christ likeness we have in ourselves. It is to bring others to Christ, help them get on their feet spiritually, and then do that again and again.
Father, for Your grace and merciful love shown to us in Christ Jesus, we are ever thankful. We pray You will guide us and strengthen us in our witness to the world all for Your honor and glory, and that Your kingdom come here now as it is in heaven. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
In Christ
Sandy Perry
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Cement of Society
Matthew 5:13-20 "You are the salt of the earth ..." (v.13)
One thing is becoming clear as we meditate on faithfulness and fidelity, nobody gets away with anything in a moral universe if that "anything" is dishonest and untrue. The whole history of humanity is an explanation on this. Remember the first lie uttered by Satan, "You shall not surely die"? He keeps on repeating that well worn but shameful lie to every member of the human race. Something dies in us the moment we are dishonest, especially in our witness and not to say the least, our self respect. Death from the lie eats away at our hearts the moment dishonesty is let in. We are not so much punished for sin as by sin. I came across a statement in a book in which the writer said: "There are two major principles for getting and keeping political power, I honestly know nothing about politics, but this sounds like our politicians today: (1) let nothing, least of all truth and honor, interfere with success; (2) be honest and trustworthy in the little things, but boldly dishonest in the large ones." What would be the result of someone getting political power by following those two principles? I will tell you. Like blind Samson, they would pull down the pillars of society around their heads and the heads of others also just as we are seeing in our government today.
Postmodernism in our government and our culture has brought on the whole political correctness and tolerance issues we deal with everyday. They say truth is relative and since they believe and sell this idea to our culture, they are building on this worldview that says there are no absolute truths, and since there are no absolute truth or truths there are no absolute morals for society. Our children are hearing this in school and through our politicians and it sound good to them. If Jesus is not Truth as He say’s He is and Scripture is not absolute Truth it as Scripture plainly states it is then they can do what they want and believe what they want simply because without absolute Truth there is no absolute morals we have to adhere too!
Will it be just the ten righteous men who spare the Sodoms of this world? Conformity is the cement that holds society together; take it away and it destroys itself. I may be stretching imagination too far by saying this, but in my opinion the Christian presence, especially as it represents conformity too Scripture and what the Bible says, holds the world on its course. Civilization would have disintegrated long ago were it not for the moral and Christian character that flows out of the Church and the Word into the world.
In my ministry I will proclaim the Truth, Jesus Christ and lately have been admonished and called down by fellow Christians for doing it. If it is false doctrine being taught or downright lies about our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus who is the Word of God I will do as we are called and commanded in 1 Peter 2: 15 always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in us. By doing this we are proclaiming it out of love. Yet people are still going to call you judgmental even when you love them enough to tell them they are believing the lie. To not tell them would be detrimental to what Jesus commanded in the Great Commission to make disciples in all the nations. So that said if my devotions should offend please e-mail me and let me know in what way they might have offended and I will lovingly and winsomely reply!
Father, help us to be the ones who hold the world together by our character. And let the point of our character be conformity to truth and righteousness and not the world. Give us the strength and the words through Your Holy Spirit that our witness be for Your glory. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
One thing is becoming clear as we meditate on faithfulness and fidelity, nobody gets away with anything in a moral universe if that "anything" is dishonest and untrue. The whole history of humanity is an explanation on this. Remember the first lie uttered by Satan, "You shall not surely die"? He keeps on repeating that well worn but shameful lie to every member of the human race. Something dies in us the moment we are dishonest, especially in our witness and not to say the least, our self respect. Death from the lie eats away at our hearts the moment dishonesty is let in. We are not so much punished for sin as by sin. I came across a statement in a book in which the writer said: "There are two major principles for getting and keeping political power, I honestly know nothing about politics, but this sounds like our politicians today: (1) let nothing, least of all truth and honor, interfere with success; (2) be honest and trustworthy in the little things, but boldly dishonest in the large ones." What would be the result of someone getting political power by following those two principles? I will tell you. Like blind Samson, they would pull down the pillars of society around their heads and the heads of others also just as we are seeing in our government today.
Postmodernism in our government and our culture has brought on the whole political correctness and tolerance issues we deal with everyday. They say truth is relative and since they believe and sell this idea to our culture, they are building on this worldview that says there are no absolute truths, and since there are no absolute truth or truths there are no absolute morals for society. Our children are hearing this in school and through our politicians and it sound good to them. If Jesus is not Truth as He say’s He is and Scripture is not absolute Truth it as Scripture plainly states it is then they can do what they want and believe what they want simply because without absolute Truth there is no absolute morals we have to adhere too!
Will it be just the ten righteous men who spare the Sodoms of this world? Conformity is the cement that holds society together; take it away and it destroys itself. I may be stretching imagination too far by saying this, but in my opinion the Christian presence, especially as it represents conformity too Scripture and what the Bible says, holds the world on its course. Civilization would have disintegrated long ago were it not for the moral and Christian character that flows out of the Church and the Word into the world.
In my ministry I will proclaim the Truth, Jesus Christ and lately have been admonished and called down by fellow Christians for doing it. If it is false doctrine being taught or downright lies about our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus who is the Word of God I will do as we are called and commanded in 1 Peter 2: 15 always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in us. By doing this we are proclaiming it out of love. Yet people are still going to call you judgmental even when you love them enough to tell them they are believing the lie. To not tell them would be detrimental to what Jesus commanded in the Great Commission to make disciples in all the nations. So that said if my devotions should offend please e-mail me and let me know in what way they might have offended and I will lovingly and winsomely reply!
Father, help us to be the ones who hold the world together by our character. And let the point of our character be conformity to truth and righteousness and not the world. Give us the strength and the words through Your Holy Spirit that our witness be for Your glory. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Jesus make our hearts your home
The past several day's the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to talk with several people about their addictions. Most of my adult life I also struggled with these same longings for peace and rest in one drug or another until Jesus made my heart His home.I pray that whatever addiction might have you bound today my freinds the Lord will come into your hearts and dwell within you also giving you the peace and joy only to be found in Jesus.
Sweet Jesus come live inside of me
Show me Your will Lord
Make me the person You want me to be
Take these addictions that has me bound
Give me Your Spirit Lord set me free
Let Your peace and love surround
Lord, make me the child
You want me to be
Only by You Lord
Captives are set free
Cleansed form within
Forgiven and forgotten
By the only Begotten
Our Lord, Jesus Christ
Jesus make our hearts Your Home
Never more will we be alone
Your presence is near, so very near
Your voice so sweet to hear
Gently caressing our deepest part
Thank you Jesus
For coming into my heart
And taking out the doubt and fear
Lord we pray, You never depart
Sandy Perry
Sweet Jesus come live inside of me
Show me Your will Lord
Make me the person You want me to be
Take these addictions that has me bound
Give me Your Spirit Lord set me free
Let Your peace and love surround
Lord, make me the child
You want me to be
Only by You Lord
Captives are set free
Cleansed form within
Forgiven and forgotten
By the only Begotten
Our Lord, Jesus Christ
Jesus make our hearts Your Home
Never more will we be alone
Your presence is near, so very near
Your voice so sweet to hear
Gently caressing our deepest part
Thank you Jesus
For coming into my heart
And taking out the doubt and fear
Lord we pray, You never depart
Sandy Perry
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Reflections on John 3: 8
Reflections on John 3: 8 The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound it makes, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
There is a Wind that blows
It blows, like a rolling thunder
A gentle breeze that flows
Oh how it flows, filling us with wonder
So mighty is this Wind rushing where it may
It has calmed the seas and held oceans at bay
This Wind can gently lift the bird’s wings as it flies
And fill newborns delicate lungs for its very first cry
So powerful is this Wind no one can stand in its wake
Whole armies have fell as it made heaven and earth shake
When man hits bottom and cries out Jesus please save me
This very Wind lifts him up to the Father of grace and mercy
In the depths of our souls we can feel the Wind rumble
As we fall into the darkness in which we often stumble
Ever so gently as the last shadows are quickly closing in
We can hear His sweet voice call our name from deep within
As this Wind gently blows on the ember it ignited
God’s mighty breath, his very Wind fuels the flame
And then once again our hearts, minds and souls
With the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are united
Thank you Lord Jesus for coming to call
And setting us free one time for all
Sandy Perry
There is a Wind that blows
It blows, like a rolling thunder
A gentle breeze that flows
Oh how it flows, filling us with wonder
So mighty is this Wind rushing where it may
It has calmed the seas and held oceans at bay
This Wind can gently lift the bird’s wings as it flies
And fill newborns delicate lungs for its very first cry
So powerful is this Wind no one can stand in its wake
Whole armies have fell as it made heaven and earth shake
When man hits bottom and cries out Jesus please save me
This very Wind lifts him up to the Father of grace and mercy
In the depths of our souls we can feel the Wind rumble
As we fall into the darkness in which we often stumble
Ever so gently as the last shadows are quickly closing in
We can hear His sweet voice call our name from deep within
As this Wind gently blows on the ember it ignited
God’s mighty breath, his very Wind fuels the flame
And then once again our hearts, minds and souls
With the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are united
Thank you Lord Jesus for coming to call
And setting us free one time for all
Sandy Perry
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Reflections on my favorite Psalm 139
As you wake to a new day
Can you not hear the Father say;
Rest in Me, My beloved child
Let Me warm your heart for awhile
I am always gentle, loving and kind
I will always carry you, lest you fall behind
Look up to the stars at night and to the sky so blue
Deeper and wider than this, is My love for you
I Am your Creator and I put all this into your hands
Even the oceans so deep and the desert sands
Was yours from beginning, when We drew the Masters plans
Every breath you breathe, My very essence you receive
Every beat of your hear, My child I had to start
Ever thought or idea that crosses your mind
I put it there if it was loving, just and kind
As your Father, I have wonderful things in store
And give you My strength and all My love forevermore
So sweet child of Mine, do not doubt nor have no fear
When you come to Me, I Am always near and I always hear
Your prayers and pleas are always perfectly clear
Know you cannot hide, where would you go
I Am in your heart watching and listening, guiding
As more like Christ you continue to grow
Sandy Perry
Can you not hear the Father say;
Rest in Me, My beloved child
Let Me warm your heart for awhile
I am always gentle, loving and kind
I will always carry you, lest you fall behind
Look up to the stars at night and to the sky so blue
Deeper and wider than this, is My love for you
I Am your Creator and I put all this into your hands
Even the oceans so deep and the desert sands
Was yours from beginning, when We drew the Masters plans
Every breath you breathe, My very essence you receive
Every beat of your hear, My child I had to start
Ever thought or idea that crosses your mind
I put it there if it was loving, just and kind
As your Father, I have wonderful things in store
And give you My strength and all My love forevermore
So sweet child of Mine, do not doubt nor have no fear
When you come to Me, I Am always near and I always hear
Your prayers and pleas are always perfectly clear
Know you cannot hide, where would you go
I Am in your heart watching and listening, guiding
As more like Christ you continue to grow
Sandy Perry
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
All of What! 2
2 Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (NIV)
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! If we want to change our life, we have to change our mind first; we have to change what we believe. We will never think about our worldview unless we can sit down and ask, “Now what is the basis for what I make my decisions and how does it impact my daily life? That’s what we’re going to do for a number of weeks. Why? Because, more than likely without realizing it may be operating on an outdated, old-fashioned, out of order faulty or false worldview.
God says everything you’ve ever done wrong is completely forgiven. It’s completely forgotten. Everything you ever wished you hadn’t done is wiped out. It’s starting over. The Bible calls it being “born again.” John 3:1-8 It means you get a fresh start on life, I get to start over, I get a new identity in Christ.
Now, if you are like me you have stepped across the line many times in your life, hurting yourself and others in the process, but now through Jesus we have a new identity. The problem is in our mind, (me, I don’t have one, just kidding!) but I do find myself still playing old tapes.( if you still call them tapes as I do we are outdated) And those old tapes are tapes of things that people told me when I was growing up which may not be true.
We need to get a new view of ourselves, God’s view of us. When the guys in prison come to understand the role we are to play in creation it is an awesome transformation. We need to get a new view of God and a new view of the world and a new view of history and a new view of where are we headed in life and what is the purpose, and what is life all about, and stop playing these old tapes.
Why is that important? If we base our life on a faulty worldview, the results are devastating, not just on us but the culture around us.
Answers to worldview questions often change because of circumstances or they change because of culture or they change because people choose to. We’re shaped by a whole lot of influences in our lives. How can we see them from a Biblical perspective and how can we let the Bible shape our lives? That’s what I’ll be posting in the next several weeks.
How do we let the Bible shape our life? Our minds? Our behaviors?
How can we understand what is going on all around us?
Father we thank You for sending a Savior to redeem us, our Lord Jesus that makes us new from the inside out and past is wiped away. We pray Lord for your guidance as we seek Your will and purpose for our lives as we strive to be more like Jesus. And it is in His name we pray. Amen.
In Christ
Sandy Perry
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! If we want to change our life, we have to change our mind first; we have to change what we believe. We will never think about our worldview unless we can sit down and ask, “Now what is the basis for what I make my decisions and how does it impact my daily life? That’s what we’re going to do for a number of weeks. Why? Because, more than likely without realizing it may be operating on an outdated, old-fashioned, out of order faulty or false worldview.
God says everything you’ve ever done wrong is completely forgiven. It’s completely forgotten. Everything you ever wished you hadn’t done is wiped out. It’s starting over. The Bible calls it being “born again.” John 3:1-8 It means you get a fresh start on life, I get to start over, I get a new identity in Christ.
Now, if you are like me you have stepped across the line many times in your life, hurting yourself and others in the process, but now through Jesus we have a new identity. The problem is in our mind, (me, I don’t have one, just kidding!) but I do find myself still playing old tapes.( if you still call them tapes as I do we are outdated) And those old tapes are tapes of things that people told me when I was growing up which may not be true.
We need to get a new view of ourselves, God’s view of us. When the guys in prison come to understand the role we are to play in creation it is an awesome transformation. We need to get a new view of God and a new view of the world and a new view of history and a new view of where are we headed in life and what is the purpose, and what is life all about, and stop playing these old tapes.
Why is that important? If we base our life on a faulty worldview, the results are devastating, not just on us but the culture around us.
Answers to worldview questions often change because of circumstances or they change because of culture or they change because people choose to. We’re shaped by a whole lot of influences in our lives. How can we see them from a Biblical perspective and how can we let the Bible shape our lives? That’s what I’ll be posting in the next several weeks.
How do we let the Bible shape our life? Our minds? Our behaviors?
How can we understand what is going on all around us?
Father we thank You for sending a Savior to redeem us, our Lord Jesus that makes us new from the inside out and past is wiped away. We pray Lord for your guidance as we seek Your will and purpose for our lives as we strive to be more like Jesus. And it is in His name we pray. Amen.
In Christ
Sandy Perry
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
All or What?
Luke 6:47-49 (NIV) I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."
Using the example of the verses above; Jesus said of the house built on the rock or sand (Matthew 7:24-25, Luke 6:47-49), we’re going to have earthquakes at some point, and they’re going to crack up if they don’t have a solid foundation and will surely collapse. So many people are building their lives on influences which are plainly dangerous. We aren’t learning to think, let alone to think Biblically. We’re being brainwashed by all of these competing, flashing picture images, ads in magazines and television, and we fail to learn how to think.
If there’s one thing I’m learning the Bible does as you take it from beginning to end, is it forces you to think about every aspect of life, and it makes you think logically. The most important thing we can do is ground ourselves in the Bible and say, Okay, I’ll read this. Now, how does this affect how I’m going to live? This isn’t just about my personal salvation, it is so much more, a guide in how to live my life. What am I going to do with what I’ve learned?
To the church, the job is to see what the world is saying and then take what the Bible is saying, and then say, “I’m going to live differently, and I’m going to influence what the world is thinking by living differently. We totally neglect the mind. The first paragraph of Harry Blamire’s book, The Christian Mind, says “There is no Christian mind.” His whole argument was that we think one way in church on Sunday and then turn that off and go back and go live like the world.
Matthew 22:36-37 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' “
We think part of our life is safe and sound because we’re in church on Sunday; we’ve got our relationship with God. We’ve worshipped Him which is great. But if the whole life isn’t together, there’s a terrible thing going on, where we think our bodies are something we use and our mind is not. We’ve separated the body, mind and the spirit. And we think the body is something we use for our own pleasure. So almost, you can do anything with your body because it doesn’t affect you as long as you keep the three separated.
A lot of people will try to pick and choose, and they say, “I will choose the most convenient worldview and use that one.” So when I’m on a date, I’ll have this kind of worldview, and then when I go to church, I’ll have this kind of worldview. And then when I’m closing that big deal at work, I’ll have this kind of worldview, and then when I need to cheat on a test at school, I’ll have this kind of worldview. And they’re trying to pick and choose. But the fact is, they’re always in conflict with each other mind, body and spirit.
Romans 12:1 – 2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Lord we know that it is Your Holy Spirit given that transforms us mind, body and soul and we thank You. We pray Lord that daily You give us guidance and strength as we seek not to be conformed to this world but transformed a little more each day to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus in Who’s name we pray. Amen.
In His Love,
Sandy Perry
To be continued next week…….
Using the example of the verses above; Jesus said of the house built on the rock or sand (Matthew 7:24-25, Luke 6:47-49), we’re going to have earthquakes at some point, and they’re going to crack up if they don’t have a solid foundation and will surely collapse. So many people are building their lives on influences which are plainly dangerous. We aren’t learning to think, let alone to think Biblically. We’re being brainwashed by all of these competing, flashing picture images, ads in magazines and television, and we fail to learn how to think.
If there’s one thing I’m learning the Bible does as you take it from beginning to end, is it forces you to think about every aspect of life, and it makes you think logically. The most important thing we can do is ground ourselves in the Bible and say, Okay, I’ll read this. Now, how does this affect how I’m going to live? This isn’t just about my personal salvation, it is so much more, a guide in how to live my life. What am I going to do with what I’ve learned?
To the church, the job is to see what the world is saying and then take what the Bible is saying, and then say, “I’m going to live differently, and I’m going to influence what the world is thinking by living differently. We totally neglect the mind. The first paragraph of Harry Blamire’s book, The Christian Mind, says “There is no Christian mind.” His whole argument was that we think one way in church on Sunday and then turn that off and go back and go live like the world.
Matthew 22:36-37 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' “
We think part of our life is safe and sound because we’re in church on Sunday; we’ve got our relationship with God. We’ve worshipped Him which is great. But if the whole life isn’t together, there’s a terrible thing going on, where we think our bodies are something we use and our mind is not. We’ve separated the body, mind and the spirit. And we think the body is something we use for our own pleasure. So almost, you can do anything with your body because it doesn’t affect you as long as you keep the three separated.
A lot of people will try to pick and choose, and they say, “I will choose the most convenient worldview and use that one.” So when I’m on a date, I’ll have this kind of worldview, and then when I go to church, I’ll have this kind of worldview. And then when I’m closing that big deal at work, I’ll have this kind of worldview, and then when I need to cheat on a test at school, I’ll have this kind of worldview. And they’re trying to pick and choose. But the fact is, they’re always in conflict with each other mind, body and spirit.
Romans 12:1 – 2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Lord we know that it is Your Holy Spirit given that transforms us mind, body and soul and we thank You. We pray Lord that daily You give us guidance and strength as we seek not to be conformed to this world but transformed a little more each day to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus in Who’s name we pray. Amen.
In His Love,
Sandy Perry
To be continued next week…….
Friday, May 22, 2009
Can’t Help Myself!
So many people I talk with are so afraid to share their faith they beat around the bush in sharing the Gospel. When we shares the gospel, we need to focus on the life of Christ, the hope of eternal life by faith in the Lord, and then let the Lord do the work in bringing results. In awesome wisdom and love given to us through the Holy Spirit, we can present the most attractive and encouraging message of spending eternity in His presence.
What a blessing and relief it was the day God gave me the understanding that He doesn’t hold me responsible for how people respond to the gospel. But, He holds you and me responsible for giving it rightly and living the Gospel; what someone does with it is His business not mine nor yours. 2 Timothy 2:15 / 1 Timothy 3:15
As I studied about the thief on the cross who hung there next to Jesus, I understood that if ever there was a deathbed conversion that was it! The thief lived his entire life as a sinner. As he hung on that cross with blood coming out of his hands and feet, he said, “Lord, remember me.” You know Jesus’ response by heart: “Today you shall be with Me in Paradise” Luke 23:43.
Do we not see here in this part of Scripture and witness the exchange of death for life. The conversation teaches us three important truths about conversion.
1. Like I tell my guys in prison no one is ever too far gone to become a Christian. Can you think of someone you’ve written off? “Oh, they will never come to know Christ. I’ve tried everything I know to win him, and he’s never going to respond.” When you’re tempted to think anyone is beyond the reach of grace, remember the criminal on the cross.
2. Your godly life is the most effective tool of evangelism. Socrates called words stupid things. I’ve never seen that more evident than when people force a witness with words. The real message is in our life. When our life draws the attention of lost people, we will have sufficient proof to back up the words we use. Let God do the work in their lives and in yours. When He does, we’ll be amazed at how He brings us the appropriate words at just the right time. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16
3. All that God requires and accepts is simple faith. What qualified the thief for heaven? He didn’t perform any good works to earn heaven. In no way did he prove himself worthy of eternal life. So, what had he done to receive eternal life? What did Jesus accept? Faith, simple, unadulterated, and unproven faith in the living Christ, that’s all God requires, and that’s all we can offer when we share Christ.
Father thank You for the salvation You have given us through the blood of Jesus, Your only Son and our Lord &Savior. Please strengthen us in our witness, place before us every opportunity to bear witness to the lost the blessed name of Jesus all to Your honor & glory. It is in His most powerful name we do pray. Amen.
In His Love,
Sandy Perry,
What a blessing and relief it was the day God gave me the understanding that He doesn’t hold me responsible for how people respond to the gospel. But, He holds you and me responsible for giving it rightly and living the Gospel; what someone does with it is His business not mine nor yours. 2 Timothy 2:15 / 1 Timothy 3:15
As I studied about the thief on the cross who hung there next to Jesus, I understood that if ever there was a deathbed conversion that was it! The thief lived his entire life as a sinner. As he hung on that cross with blood coming out of his hands and feet, he said, “Lord, remember me.” You know Jesus’ response by heart: “Today you shall be with Me in Paradise” Luke 23:43.
Do we not see here in this part of Scripture and witness the exchange of death for life. The conversation teaches us three important truths about conversion.
1. Like I tell my guys in prison no one is ever too far gone to become a Christian. Can you think of someone you’ve written off? “Oh, they will never come to know Christ. I’ve tried everything I know to win him, and he’s never going to respond.” When you’re tempted to think anyone is beyond the reach of grace, remember the criminal on the cross.
2. Your godly life is the most effective tool of evangelism. Socrates called words stupid things. I’ve never seen that more evident than when people force a witness with words. The real message is in our life. When our life draws the attention of lost people, we will have sufficient proof to back up the words we use. Let God do the work in their lives and in yours. When He does, we’ll be amazed at how He brings us the appropriate words at just the right time. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16
3. All that God requires and accepts is simple faith. What qualified the thief for heaven? He didn’t perform any good works to earn heaven. In no way did he prove himself worthy of eternal life. So, what had he done to receive eternal life? What did Jesus accept? Faith, simple, unadulterated, and unproven faith in the living Christ, that’s all God requires, and that’s all we can offer when we share Christ.
Father thank You for the salvation You have given us through the blood of Jesus, Your only Son and our Lord &Savior. Please strengthen us in our witness, place before us every opportunity to bear witness to the lost the blessed name of Jesus all to Your honor & glory. It is in His most powerful name we do pray. Amen.
In His Love,
Sandy Perry,
Friday, May 8, 2009
Baaa or Bleat!
James 2:14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, Go in peace, be warmed and filled, without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
Jesus’ final instructions to his disciples concerning the end of the world reach its final peak with this last parable in Matthew 25:31-46. There is no doubt about the scene here the “wait” is over as the Son of Man “comes in His glory” and “all the nations” are gathered before Him. Now we see a separation takes place, as the sheep are divided from the goats. The basis on which this momentous decision is made concerns our human behavior; whether the hungry were fed and cared for, the lonely given shelter and friendship or the sick and prisoners visited. At the last judgment, God is going to look for a faith that has been worked out and lived out. To the astonished reaction of the righteous, who were simply unaware of serving our Lord when doing what came naturally to them, He replies that in serving the least of these brothers of mine you did it for Me.
Several different views of “brothers of mine” have and will continue to be debated. Some say it was only the disciples this was speaking of, so that evidence of belonging to the Kingdom is found in the response made only to believers. But, what we see in the scene at the beginning of the story involving all the nations and the teaching of Jesus that becoming like the heavenly Father means we are to mirror His love for all including enemies, suggest a much wider and broader idea of God’s grace.
Although, there is a clear division as those who failed to show mercy and compassion are told to depart into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Look at what is said here: God desires the salvation of all people and provides for their deliverance; those who close their hearts to His love and persist in evil and selfishness chose a destiny that was not intended for them.
Please prayerfully consider what a lived out faith with every thought captive to Jesus would look like on your job, in the grocery store, out on the street in every area of your life might mean for you.
Lord Jesus as I think of Your love, Your mercy and grace for us, help us to love and have Your gracious mercy for others as You do. Then Lord help us to put Your love, mercy and grace into practical everyday actions wherever we might find the opportunity. Please stir our heart anew Lord with the desire to serve You as we serve others. Amen
In His Love,
Sandy Perry
Jesus’ final instructions to his disciples concerning the end of the world reach its final peak with this last parable in Matthew 25:31-46. There is no doubt about the scene here the “wait” is over as the Son of Man “comes in His glory” and “all the nations” are gathered before Him. Now we see a separation takes place, as the sheep are divided from the goats. The basis on which this momentous decision is made concerns our human behavior; whether the hungry were fed and cared for, the lonely given shelter and friendship or the sick and prisoners visited. At the last judgment, God is going to look for a faith that has been worked out and lived out. To the astonished reaction of the righteous, who were simply unaware of serving our Lord when doing what came naturally to them, He replies that in serving the least of these brothers of mine you did it for Me.
Several different views of “brothers of mine” have and will continue to be debated. Some say it was only the disciples this was speaking of, so that evidence of belonging to the Kingdom is found in the response made only to believers. But, what we see in the scene at the beginning of the story involving all the nations and the teaching of Jesus that becoming like the heavenly Father means we are to mirror His love for all including enemies, suggest a much wider and broader idea of God’s grace.
Although, there is a clear division as those who failed to show mercy and compassion are told to depart into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Look at what is said here: God desires the salvation of all people and provides for their deliverance; those who close their hearts to His love and persist in evil and selfishness chose a destiny that was not intended for them.
Please prayerfully consider what a lived out faith with every thought captive to Jesus would look like on your job, in the grocery store, out on the street in every area of your life might mean for you.
Lord Jesus as I think of Your love, Your mercy and grace for us, help us to love and have Your gracious mercy for others as You do. Then Lord help us to put Your love, mercy and grace into practical everyday actions wherever we might find the opportunity. Please stir our heart anew Lord with the desire to serve You as we serve others. Amen
In His Love,
Sandy Perry
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Heartburn or a Heartburning
Rescue the Captives
A Ministry of the Well
Heartburn or a Heartburning
“I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.” Job 23:12
When we get up in the morning, what is the first thing we think about? Do we thank God for His beautiful creation or open the Bible longing for a word from our Lord? Maybe some people do, and if you’re one of them, I tip my hat to you. When I get up in the morning, what is the first thing I think about? To be honest, I think about food which I think is just human nature.
So let’s go a little deeper here, and talk about spiritual food for a moment. If we are willing to neglect an occasional meal because our schedule is so backed up we can’t find time to eat, that’s cool. But, wouldn’t it be great if we also were willing to neglect a physical meal to make time for the Word of God? I like what Job said about God’s Word, “I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food” Job 23:12.
Remember those two discouraged and downhearted disciples on the Emmaus road I wrote about last week? They thought Jesus was going to establish a physical kingdom and overthrow the tyranny of Rome. But instead, in their minds at least, He went and got himself killed. So they were walking along discouraged, when a stranger joined them. Although they didn’t know it, it was Jesus himself. He spoke to them about all the things in Scripture concerning himself, and by the end of the journey, their hearts were burning again.
When He disappeared, they said, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32.
We all need a good case of spiritual heartburn, and we will get it when Jesus Christ speaks to us through His Word. Then my friends is when we have what I call the “I can’t help it’s”, which will be coming to your e-mail soon!
Guide us, oh Lord, as we take time throughout this whole year to meditate on You as we wake each day and make our utmost desire be to hear from You. I'll get on my knees this morning, Lord, in quiet expectation. Amen.
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
A Ministry of the Well
Heartburn or a Heartburning
“I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.” Job 23:12
When we get up in the morning, what is the first thing we think about? Do we thank God for His beautiful creation or open the Bible longing for a word from our Lord? Maybe some people do, and if you’re one of them, I tip my hat to you. When I get up in the morning, what is the first thing I think about? To be honest, I think about food which I think is just human nature.
So let’s go a little deeper here, and talk about spiritual food for a moment. If we are willing to neglect an occasional meal because our schedule is so backed up we can’t find time to eat, that’s cool. But, wouldn’t it be great if we also were willing to neglect a physical meal to make time for the Word of God? I like what Job said about God’s Word, “I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food” Job 23:12.
Remember those two discouraged and downhearted disciples on the Emmaus road I wrote about last week? They thought Jesus was going to establish a physical kingdom and overthrow the tyranny of Rome. But instead, in their minds at least, He went and got himself killed. So they were walking along discouraged, when a stranger joined them. Although they didn’t know it, it was Jesus himself. He spoke to them about all the things in Scripture concerning himself, and by the end of the journey, their hearts were burning again.
When He disappeared, they said, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32.
We all need a good case of spiritual heartburn, and we will get it when Jesus Christ speaks to us through His Word. Then my friends is when we have what I call the “I can’t help it’s”, which will be coming to your e-mail soon!
Guide us, oh Lord, as we take time throughout this whole year to meditate on You as we wake each day and make our utmost desire be to hear from You. I'll get on my knees this morning, Lord, in quiet expectation. Amen.
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
Friday, April 24, 2009
Perfect Timing
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Have you ever struggled with God’s promises to you? Has it ever seemed like there was no end in sight to the storm you were facing?
Sometimes when we are going through hardship, trials and suffering we wonder, when am I going to get through this? When is this storm cloud going to go away? When are things going to get better? We cry out how long Lord? I want it now!
It reminds me of the story of Jesus and His disciples at the Sea of Galilee, when He sent them ahead by boat to the other side. But as they were making their way across, a huge storm came along. It got worse and worse. The disciples began to see the hopelessness of their very lives.
When we read in Matthew it tells us that during the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came to them. Matthew 14:25. The fourth watch is that time of night just before dawn, meaning that the disciples had been at sea fighting this storm and trying to get out of it for eight long hours. Then when the storm was raging, when it seemed like it would go on forever, Jesus came to them, walking on the water.
Many times He will come to us in the fourth watch. At the moment we think we cannot go on! We pray, Oh, Lord, come through now. Do it now.
But the Lord says, Hang on, don’t worry, I will be there when the time is right.
One of the things I am learning in my walk with Jesus is that along with His will, God has His timing. Sometimes we grow anxious, sometimes we want things to happen a little more quickly than they ought to and we catch ourselves trying to force His hand.
But God has His timing. And He is never late; He has perfect timing set to His eternal watch! Ya Think?
Lord, we thank You that Your timing is perfect, even in the times we try to rush things along. Please forgive us Lord when this happens and guide us back into Your perfect timing. This we pray in the sweet name of Jesus. Amen.
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
Have you ever struggled with God’s promises to you? Has it ever seemed like there was no end in sight to the storm you were facing?
Sometimes when we are going through hardship, trials and suffering we wonder, when am I going to get through this? When is this storm cloud going to go away? When are things going to get better? We cry out how long Lord? I want it now!
It reminds me of the story of Jesus and His disciples at the Sea of Galilee, when He sent them ahead by boat to the other side. But as they were making their way across, a huge storm came along. It got worse and worse. The disciples began to see the hopelessness of their very lives.
When we read in Matthew it tells us that during the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came to them. Matthew 14:25. The fourth watch is that time of night just before dawn, meaning that the disciples had been at sea fighting this storm and trying to get out of it for eight long hours. Then when the storm was raging, when it seemed like it would go on forever, Jesus came to them, walking on the water.
Many times He will come to us in the fourth watch. At the moment we think we cannot go on! We pray, Oh, Lord, come through now. Do it now.
But the Lord says, Hang on, don’t worry, I will be there when the time is right.
One of the things I am learning in my walk with Jesus is that along with His will, God has His timing. Sometimes we grow anxious, sometimes we want things to happen a little more quickly than they ought to and we catch ourselves trying to force His hand.
But God has His timing. And He is never late; He has perfect timing set to His eternal watch! Ya Think?
Lord, we thank You that Your timing is perfect, even in the times we try to rush things along. Please forgive us Lord when this happens and guide us back into Your perfect timing. This we pray in the sweet name of Jesus. Amen.
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
Monday, April 20, 2009
Peace & Confidence in Him
I remember seeing a beautiful picture some time ago. The picture showed a stormy sea pounding against a cliff. The artist had captured the flurry of the wind as it whipped black rain clouds which were laced with streaks of lightning; the sea was roaring in turmoil, waves churning, the dark sky filled with the power of the furious thunderstorm.
In the middle of the picture, under a cliff, the artist had painted a small bird, safe and dry in her nest snuggled safely in the rocks. The bird was at peace midst the storm that raged about her. Peace is not the absence of trouble or turmoil, as depicted in the picture, for the bird had found peace, safety, in the raging storm just as we can find peace and confidence in the midst of trouble or turmoil, fear and discouragement if our focus is on Jesus.
Fear and discouragement both come from an absence of peace in our lives and an absence of peace comes from our focus, and what our focus is on. If we have our focus on the turmoil going down in our lives, at that moment our focus is not on Jesus.
The devil is a liar, a deceiver, and a attacker; he tries to distract us from the word of God, from the voice of God, from the leading of God and from following God. If he can steal our peace then he has successfully distracted us, and if we are distracted by what we are going through and we aren't looking for the solution it will go right by us. For example the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-16, were talking about the events that had just happened. They were focused on the problem and the answer was walking with them (Jesus).
Remember what God said to Moses, I am who I am. Remember what that meant? "Whatever you need me to be whenever you need me to be it." And if Jesus is who he says he is and God's work is what it says it is, why would we lean on or hold on to anything else?
John 1:5 says, "and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." If our focus is on the wrong place then we are in darkness. Let's keep our minds turned on, let's lean on, and let’s hold on to, the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus.
We need to tell our problem how big our God is. When Peter stepped out on the water, his God was bigger than the storm, when Elijah called on God; his God was bigger than the trenches full of water.
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. --Hebrews 4:16
We can have this total confidence in God, and we certainly can have this respect for His will. Do not expect God to perform miracles for you so you can write books about them or go bragging saying look at the new stuff I got. Do not ever be caught asking God to send you toys like that to play around with.
But if we are in trouble and concerned about our situation and willing to be honest with God, we can have total confidence in Him to supply what we need. We can go to Him in the righteousness of His Son, claiming His promises, and He will not let us down. God will help us, and we will find the way of deliverance.
God will move heaven and earth for us, his children if we will trust Him, for all we need is the faith of a mustard seed.
Thank You, Father, for the awesome splendor of this truth. It certainly is only in the merit of Your Son, that we find this peaceful confidence, but in that merit You have given us a powerful promise. Thank You that You never let us down. Amen.
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
In the middle of the picture, under a cliff, the artist had painted a small bird, safe and dry in her nest snuggled safely in the rocks. The bird was at peace midst the storm that raged about her. Peace is not the absence of trouble or turmoil, as depicted in the picture, for the bird had found peace, safety, in the raging storm just as we can find peace and confidence in the midst of trouble or turmoil, fear and discouragement if our focus is on Jesus.
Fear and discouragement both come from an absence of peace in our lives and an absence of peace comes from our focus, and what our focus is on. If we have our focus on the turmoil going down in our lives, at that moment our focus is not on Jesus.
The devil is a liar, a deceiver, and a attacker; he tries to distract us from the word of God, from the voice of God, from the leading of God and from following God. If he can steal our peace then he has successfully distracted us, and if we are distracted by what we are going through and we aren't looking for the solution it will go right by us. For example the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-16, were talking about the events that had just happened. They were focused on the problem and the answer was walking with them (Jesus).
Remember what God said to Moses, I am who I am. Remember what that meant? "Whatever you need me to be whenever you need me to be it." And if Jesus is who he says he is and God's work is what it says it is, why would we lean on or hold on to anything else?
John 1:5 says, "and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." If our focus is on the wrong place then we are in darkness. Let's keep our minds turned on, let's lean on, and let’s hold on to, the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus.
We need to tell our problem how big our God is. When Peter stepped out on the water, his God was bigger than the storm, when Elijah called on God; his God was bigger than the trenches full of water.
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. --Hebrews 4:16
We can have this total confidence in God, and we certainly can have this respect for His will. Do not expect God to perform miracles for you so you can write books about them or go bragging saying look at the new stuff I got. Do not ever be caught asking God to send you toys like that to play around with.
But if we are in trouble and concerned about our situation and willing to be honest with God, we can have total confidence in Him to supply what we need. We can go to Him in the righteousness of His Son, claiming His promises, and He will not let us down. God will help us, and we will find the way of deliverance.
God will move heaven and earth for us, his children if we will trust Him, for all we need is the faith of a mustard seed.
Thank You, Father, for the awesome splendor of this truth. It certainly is only in the merit of Your Son, that we find this peaceful confidence, but in that merit You have given us a powerful promise. Thank You that You never let us down. Amen.
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Why do we attend the church we do?
I hope it is for the right reasons where the word of God is being preached and taught and His love is shown and felt and not a church that just makes you feel good and tickles your ears.
I am writing this because God has been doing a stirring in my spirit that I just can't get away from. I have been in a dry place or you might say I have been having a desert experience as my pastor and friend would say, not for years or months, but for several weeks now. The Holy Spirit has been prompting me to reach out to others that might be going through the same thing. As an ex- biker and a lifelong trucker, I like to travel the road less traveled most of the time; you get a chance to see things you can't see from the interstate. There are many kinds of roads, old two or four lane highways, some with long sweeping turns, some with twists and curves as well as those that are flat and straight. The thing is you have the choice to take the road that fits your style of living, driving or riding.
As a Christian, God allows us to choose the road we want to take in our lives. We think we know the right road but the road we choose may not be the one God wants for us. That is why it is important to stay in God's word and always be in prayer. God has a road he wants us to travel, my road may not be yours, and yours may not be mine. But one thing is for sure the road God wants you and me to take leads to the same place. God may put us on the interstate so we can get to a certain place quickly but I don't think he wants us to stay on the interstate all the time. You know how it is on the interstate, everything is moving so fast, every car, truck and motorcycle are going by so fast you don't have time to fix your eyes or have a thought on any of them. They are all souls just flying by. Are they saved? Lost or hurting? We may never get the chance to know passing them by so quickly, but I do know on the back roads we can stop and take every opportunity to be a witness or point some other weary traveler to the Way, Christ Jesus.
When you on the road in your car, truck, motorcycle or just walking through the desert make sure you always have your light on, not just the headlights on but the light Jesus has placed in your soul. That way if you are out on the road alone you aren't really alone because Jesus is always with you. We must always let our light shine in this darkened world. So shine on my brothers as Jesus say’s in Mat 5:16 in the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Amen?
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
I am writing this because God has been doing a stirring in my spirit that I just can't get away from. I have been in a dry place or you might say I have been having a desert experience as my pastor and friend would say, not for years or months, but for several weeks now. The Holy Spirit has been prompting me to reach out to others that might be going through the same thing. As an ex- biker and a lifelong trucker, I like to travel the road less traveled most of the time; you get a chance to see things you can't see from the interstate. There are many kinds of roads, old two or four lane highways, some with long sweeping turns, some with twists and curves as well as those that are flat and straight. The thing is you have the choice to take the road that fits your style of living, driving or riding.
As a Christian, God allows us to choose the road we want to take in our lives. We think we know the right road but the road we choose may not be the one God wants for us. That is why it is important to stay in God's word and always be in prayer. God has a road he wants us to travel, my road may not be yours, and yours may not be mine. But one thing is for sure the road God wants you and me to take leads to the same place. God may put us on the interstate so we can get to a certain place quickly but I don't think he wants us to stay on the interstate all the time. You know how it is on the interstate, everything is moving so fast, every car, truck and motorcycle are going by so fast you don't have time to fix your eyes or have a thought on any of them. They are all souls just flying by. Are they saved? Lost or hurting? We may never get the chance to know passing them by so quickly, but I do know on the back roads we can stop and take every opportunity to be a witness or point some other weary traveler to the Way, Christ Jesus.
When you on the road in your car, truck, motorcycle or just walking through the desert make sure you always have your light on, not just the headlights on but the light Jesus has placed in your soul. That way if you are out on the road alone you aren't really alone because Jesus is always with you. We must always let our light shine in this darkened world. So shine on my brothers as Jesus say’s in Mat 5:16 in the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Amen?
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Still Waters Run Deep
So let us go to one of mine and most everyone's favorite psalm, the 23rd, and verse 2 & 3, "He leads me beside the still waters; He restores my soul." Picture in your mind a deep inviting pool, fed by a stream not far from the road of life we all travel.
Who brought us to this pool? Jesus brought us here. It is His own pool, and He welcomes us because He wants His joy to be in us, that our own joy might be full. It is not a healing pool as such, even though it will restore your soul. It is not a baptismal pool as such, though baptism is of course available. It is not intended as a sacred rite of purification or an illustration such as some religions devise. It is not even a refuge or place of consolation with hypnotic effects.
It is just a pure foundation of sheer joy, and as you drink from it and swim and splash in it, you will find the "still waters" to be an unparalleled place of delights.
I am suggesting we look at it as something deeper. Its quiet sparkle is so delicious that it will make the soul quiver with joy. For the believer to bathe in it is to find life charming in its simplicity, quite apart from such addictions and drugs as the world would like to introduce.
The lush trees and flowers bordering the pool, the leaves and petals rippling in a cool breeze, seem to promise something like a paradise beyond this planet. It is what many seek and few find the very ecstasy of tasting and knowing Jesus. In the still waters of Psalm 23 we, as part of His flock, sense the presence of God, the God of love and faith and hope, smiling on us. Goodness and mercy are everywhere. We feel them, we hear them, and we taste them in the air and in the water. It is truly a time of restoring our souls. All our senses tell us that everything is right with God and ourselves, and our first reaction is, "Glory!" "Glory!" "Glory!"
However, beware, the pool is surrounded by impassible briars, thickets, and lies. The way to it from the main road is a secret route, a narrow path. That is to say, the path itself is a key word that takes one safely through the surrounding underbrush. The word is "Jesus," a Name that offends many. Nevertheless it is one which, accepted by the mind and heart of the believer, quickly leads past all obstacles to the quiet edge of still waters.
In seeking this pool of “still waters” I’ve seen many friends lose their way, for there are paths leading all different ways. Often it is because they cannot accept something difficult in the New Testament, or they are overwhelmed by the warnings in the Old Testament. They follow signs that promise shortcuts, an easier way through the thick briars, a path where there is no absolute Truth, a path that does not require faith or repentance or blood atonement for sin.
So many of them have left the road to wander through the dense underbrush, some of them bewildered, others determined and confident, many train themselves to be almost satisfied with little, so they keep retracing their steps to the road and give up trying to reach the shore of God's pool of joy. We meet these lost friends at various stopping points. They feel they have made their adjustment. They write books about their achievements, for they consider that they have been victorious in the struggles of life, but the delicious elixir, the very honey that fills our mouth when we speak the name of Jesus is missing. They were caught in the thickets, the briars, the lies and gave up trying to find their way to the pool. Quite naturally, they conclude that there is no pool, but there is, it is an awesome part of the journey.
For sure I can’t take you to this pool. Only God's Word (the Living Water) can do that, in the power of His Spirit. But maybe, just maybe, as you read these thoughts of mine you will find yourself being led to call upon the Name of Jesus and take the plunge into that enjoyable, refreshing pool. With Jesus it is easy to find the Still Waters where the Shepherd restores the soul. Then you will know what joy is, overwhelming, thrilling, exulting joy, for you will have it.
When Christ is formed in you, the "secret thing" will be yours forever, and you will come alive, and follow Him, and know a deep peace, and hear the infectious laughter of angels as you lounge with Jesus beside this pool of still waters.
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
Banging the name of Jesus
The Sweetest most Precious name I’ve ever heard
Christ Jesus the Logos, God’s revealed Word
We cry out for Him to save us, heal us and protect us
Yet we don’t want to sing to them the name of Jesus
We kneel before Him and pray His Holy Spirit fills us
Yet we don’t want to sing to them the Sweet name of Jesus
What more can a simple old sinner such as I do?
Jesus took this cold heart and warmed it from within
Took all the hate, pain and suffering I have been through
Washed me clean with His blood forgiving all my sins
Fills me with His love and a heart that is brand new
As Christians we are little Christ’s, He is always with us
Yet we still don’t want to sing to them the dear sweet name of Jesus
I do so pray this is not so, to whom for all our answers do we go?
I sincerely hope it is too JESUS!
Who brought us to this pool? Jesus brought us here. It is His own pool, and He welcomes us because He wants His joy to be in us, that our own joy might be full. It is not a healing pool as such, even though it will restore your soul. It is not a baptismal pool as such, though baptism is of course available. It is not intended as a sacred rite of purification or an illustration such as some religions devise. It is not even a refuge or place of consolation with hypnotic effects.
It is just a pure foundation of sheer joy, and as you drink from it and swim and splash in it, you will find the "still waters" to be an unparalleled place of delights.
I am suggesting we look at it as something deeper. Its quiet sparkle is so delicious that it will make the soul quiver with joy. For the believer to bathe in it is to find life charming in its simplicity, quite apart from such addictions and drugs as the world would like to introduce.
The lush trees and flowers bordering the pool, the leaves and petals rippling in a cool breeze, seem to promise something like a paradise beyond this planet. It is what many seek and few find the very ecstasy of tasting and knowing Jesus. In the still waters of Psalm 23 we, as part of His flock, sense the presence of God, the God of love and faith and hope, smiling on us. Goodness and mercy are everywhere. We feel them, we hear them, and we taste them in the air and in the water. It is truly a time of restoring our souls. All our senses tell us that everything is right with God and ourselves, and our first reaction is, "Glory!" "Glory!" "Glory!"
However, beware, the pool is surrounded by impassible briars, thickets, and lies. The way to it from the main road is a secret route, a narrow path. That is to say, the path itself is a key word that takes one safely through the surrounding underbrush. The word is "Jesus," a Name that offends many. Nevertheless it is one which, accepted by the mind and heart of the believer, quickly leads past all obstacles to the quiet edge of still waters.
In seeking this pool of “still waters” I’ve seen many friends lose their way, for there are paths leading all different ways. Often it is because they cannot accept something difficult in the New Testament, or they are overwhelmed by the warnings in the Old Testament. They follow signs that promise shortcuts, an easier way through the thick briars, a path where there is no absolute Truth, a path that does not require faith or repentance or blood atonement for sin.
So many of them have left the road to wander through the dense underbrush, some of them bewildered, others determined and confident, many train themselves to be almost satisfied with little, so they keep retracing their steps to the road and give up trying to reach the shore of God's pool of joy. We meet these lost friends at various stopping points. They feel they have made their adjustment. They write books about their achievements, for they consider that they have been victorious in the struggles of life, but the delicious elixir, the very honey that fills our mouth when we speak the name of Jesus is missing. They were caught in the thickets, the briars, the lies and gave up trying to find their way to the pool. Quite naturally, they conclude that there is no pool, but there is, it is an awesome part of the journey.
For sure I can’t take you to this pool. Only God's Word (the Living Water) can do that, in the power of His Spirit. But maybe, just maybe, as you read these thoughts of mine you will find yourself being led to call upon the Name of Jesus and take the plunge into that enjoyable, refreshing pool. With Jesus it is easy to find the Still Waters where the Shepherd restores the soul. Then you will know what joy is, overwhelming, thrilling, exulting joy, for you will have it.
When Christ is formed in you, the "secret thing" will be yours forever, and you will come alive, and follow Him, and know a deep peace, and hear the infectious laughter of angels as you lounge with Jesus beside this pool of still waters.
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
Banging the name of Jesus
The Sweetest most Precious name I’ve ever heard
Christ Jesus the Logos, God’s revealed Word
We cry out for Him to save us, heal us and protect us
Yet we don’t want to sing to them the name of Jesus
We kneel before Him and pray His Holy Spirit fills us
Yet we don’t want to sing to them the Sweet name of Jesus
What more can a simple old sinner such as I do?
Jesus took this cold heart and warmed it from within
Took all the hate, pain and suffering I have been through
Washed me clean with His blood forgiving all my sins
Fills me with His love and a heart that is brand new
As Christians we are little Christ’s, He is always with us
Yet we still don’t want to sing to them the dear sweet name of Jesus
I do so pray this is not so, to whom for all our answers do we go?
I sincerely hope it is too JESUS!
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