Matthew 5:13-20 "You are the salt of the earth ..." (v.13)
One thing is becoming clear as we meditate on faithfulness and fidelity, nobody gets away with anything in a moral universe if that "anything" is dishonest and untrue. The whole history of humanity is an explanation on this. Remember the first lie uttered by Satan, "You shall not surely die"? He keeps on repeating that well worn but shameful lie to every member of the human race. Something dies in us the moment we are dishonest, especially in our witness and not to say the least, our self respect. Death from the lie eats away at our hearts the moment dishonesty is let in. We are not so much punished for sin as by sin. I came across a statement in a book in which the writer said: "There are two major principles for getting and keeping political power, I honestly know nothing about politics, but this sounds like our politicians today: (1) let nothing, least of all truth and honor, interfere with success; (2) be honest and trustworthy in the little things, but boldly dishonest in the large ones." What would be the result of someone getting political power by following those two principles? I will tell you. Like blind Samson, they would pull down the pillars of society around their heads and the heads of others also just as we are seeing in our government today.
Postmodernism in our government and our culture has brought on the whole political correctness and tolerance issues we deal with everyday. They say truth is relative and since they believe and sell this idea to our culture, they are building on this worldview that says there are no absolute truths, and since there are no absolute truth or truths there are no absolute morals for society. Our children are hearing this in school and through our politicians and it sound good to them. If Jesus is not Truth as He say’s He is and Scripture is not absolute Truth it as Scripture plainly states it is then they can do what they want and believe what they want simply because without absolute Truth there is no absolute morals we have to adhere too!
Will it be just the ten righteous men who spare the Sodoms of this world? Conformity is the cement that holds society together; take it away and it destroys itself. I may be stretching imagination too far by saying this, but in my opinion the Christian presence, especially as it represents conformity too Scripture and what the Bible says, holds the world on its course. Civilization would have disintegrated long ago were it not for the moral and Christian character that flows out of the Church and the Word into the world.
In my ministry I will proclaim the Truth, Jesus Christ and lately have been admonished and called down by fellow Christians for doing it. If it is false doctrine being taught or downright lies about our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus who is the Word of God I will do as we are called and commanded in 1 Peter 2: 15 always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in us. By doing this we are proclaiming it out of love. Yet people are still going to call you judgmental even when you love them enough to tell them they are believing the lie. To not tell them would be detrimental to what Jesus commanded in the Great Commission to make disciples in all the nations. So that said if my devotions should offend please e-mail me and let me know in what way they might have offended and I will lovingly and winsomely reply!
Father, help us to be the ones who hold the world together by our character. And let the point of our character be conformity to truth and righteousness and not the world. Give us the strength and the words through Your Holy Spirit that our witness be for Your glory. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen
In Christ,
Sandy Perry
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