Monday, November 22, 2010

A new Heart You Say???

This new heart we have been given
Is not like the old one of sinful livin
This new mind that is being transformed
Into His image our soul is being conformed

This journey last for a lifetime here on earth
And comes full circle in our eternal rebirth
Yet, sometimes we can stray away from the fold
And some of us do not find the Way back
Until we’re broken and old

Yet in my life I can look back and see
I was never too far from Thee
And in all these times I thought I was lost
Jesus was there leading me to the cross

Where the cost of our sins were paid
On His shoulders our burdens were laid
Set free from the sins of our past
Freed up to hear God say,
welcome home My good and faithful child at last

My friends if this does not bring you peace
And fill you with a joy that does not cease
It should make us long for Jesus so much
To be near to Him in our hearts
Feel Him in the depths of our soul
With a yearning to feel His loving touch
As His loving arms pick us up
Bringing us into the heavenly fold

Sandy Perry

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