Tuesday, July 21, 2009

“The Master Physician”

“And he touched her hand, and the fever left her;
and she arose and ministered unto them.” Matthew 8:15
Jesus touched her hand as only He can
With the wondrous skill of the Master Physician
With the sweet, tender touch of the Son of Man
And the feverish pain in her throbbing temples
Died out along with the flush on brow and cheek
And the lips that had been so parched and burning
Quivered with thanks that she could not speak
And her eyes, where the fevers light had faded
Looked up and by her grateful tears made dim
And she rose and ministered to her household
As she ministered also to Him

He touched her hand, and the fever left her
Oh blessed, healing touch of the Man Divine
So beautiful it is then to rise and serve Him
When the fever is gone from your life and mine

It may be the fever of restless serving
With our heart all thirsty for love and praise
And eyes all aching and strained with yearning
Toward self serving goals in our old age
Or it may be a fever of sinful craving
Some storm of sorrow that does not die down
Until the cross has at last our meekness found
And our head stoops low for our thorny crown
Or it may be a fever of pain and anger
When the wounded heart is hard to bear
And only the Lord can draw forth the arrows
Left carelessly, cruelly bothersome there

Whatever the fever, His touch can heal it
Whatever the storm, His voice can still
There is only joy as we seek His glory
There is only a rest as we seek His will
And some day after this life’s fitful fever
I think we shall say in our mansion on high
If the hands that He touched but did His bidding
How little it matters what else passed us by

Sweet Lord Jesus! You know us through and through
Each heart’s hurt and sickness, whatever it may be
Only You Lord can Touch our hands and let the fever leave us
And we shall also minister unto You our Savior sweet Jesus
Only He can put out the fevers fire and set our captive souls free

Sandy Perry

Sunday, July 12, 2009

He Gives His Beloved Sleep

Psalm 127:2 It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep.

Trouble and worry will sometimes meet
The storm clouds hover ever lower
The course of sin will surely beat
Upon earth’s troubled shore
God does His own safely keep
He gives His beloved sleep

The noise of war across the sky may roll
with all her horrors and violent flight
Pain and grief may oppress the soul
Throughout the long weary night
God does His own safely keep
He gives His beloved sleep

In childhood’s sweet and charming page
In manhood’s sowing in joyous bloom
In weak of mind and old age
In death’s dark gathering gloom
God will His own in safety keep
He gives us all His beloved sleep

Sandy Perry

Psalm 127:2 It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Remnants & Leftovers

Remnants are what we save for our King
When He should receive the best of everything
Why do we wait until the end of the day
Before our knees hit the floor to pray
We thank Him for the day gone by
If it went badly we want to know why
Never thinking how good it might have been
if upon awakening we had called on Jesus our freind
We have given Him what’s left not what’s first
So is there any wonder why sometimes we thirst
Leftovers are what we’ve given God’s only Son
Although He shed His blood for our Salvation
Are not leftovers they are such humble things
Most of us would not serve to a guest
And yet we serve them to our Lord
who should get our first and very best.
We give to Him our leftover time
A few minutes here and there
Leftover cash we give to Him
Such few coins as we can spare
We give our youthful days unto the world
To hatred, pleasure’s, lust and strife
Then in our remaining years we give
To Him the remnant of our life

Sandy Perry

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sweet Jesus, He is mine

Do you ever wonder what we'd do
if we could never pray
If we could not talk to God
And depend on His guidance every day

Oh how dark our every night would be
if His light did not shine
I know I could not sleep because such fear
would fill this heart of mine

Our hearts would never sing a new song
we’d feel so lost and all alone
if we could never talk to God
and claim Jesus’ love for our own.

But all these things we should not fear
because our burdens He does share
we only have to whisper low sweet Jesus
and know He hears our every prayer.

Jesus walks beside us in this barren land
always there to lift us up when we fall
He gently takes us by the hand
our love sweet Jesus, Lord of all

And though the night can be dark sometimes
His light in us forever shines
we can sleep in peace and should not fear
For Jesus voice we can hear
And all the people say
Sweet Lord Jesus
The King,
He is mine

Sandy Perry