Thursday, July 9, 2009

Remnants & Leftovers

Remnants are what we save for our King
When He should receive the best of everything
Why do we wait until the end of the day
Before our knees hit the floor to pray
We thank Him for the day gone by
If it went badly we want to know why
Never thinking how good it might have been
if upon awakening we had called on Jesus our freind
We have given Him what’s left not what’s first
So is there any wonder why sometimes we thirst
Leftovers are what we’ve given God’s only Son
Although He shed His blood for our Salvation
Are not leftovers they are such humble things
Most of us would not serve to a guest
And yet we serve them to our Lord
who should get our first and very best.
We give to Him our leftover time
A few minutes here and there
Leftover cash we give to Him
Such few coins as we can spare
We give our youthful days unto the world
To hatred, pleasure’s, lust and strife
Then in our remaining years we give
To Him the remnant of our life

Sandy Perry

1 comment:

T M said...

Oh Sandy,
This blog really touched my heart. You are such a healer and God's true love shines through you. I am thankful for you sharing these words. That would be a beautiful song. The Leftovers... :)