Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jesus make our hearts your home

The past several day's the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to talk with several people about their addictions. Most of my adult life I also struggled with these same longings for peace and rest in one drug or another until Jesus made my heart His home.I pray that whatever addiction might have you bound today my freinds the Lord will come into your hearts and dwell within you also giving you the peace and joy only to be found in Jesus.

Sweet Jesus come live inside of me
Show me Your will Lord
Make me the person You want me to be

Take these addictions that has me bound
Give me Your Spirit Lord set me free
Let Your peace and love surround
Lord, make me the child
You want me to be

Only by You Lord
Captives are set free
Cleansed form within
Forgiven and forgotten
By the only Begotten
Our Lord, Jesus Christ

Jesus make our hearts Your Home
Never more will we be alone
Your presence is near, so very near
Your voice so sweet to hear
Gently caressing our deepest part
Thank you Jesus
For coming into my heart
And taking out the doubt and fear
Lord we pray, You never depart

Sandy Perry

1 comment:

T M said...

I love it when you write!! You made my day!